Total Eclipse - Survival Guide



  • It is NEVER safe to look at the sun without proper eye protection, especially during the partial phases. (Remove your solar glasses only when the moon completely covers the sun. Experience totality, then, as soon as the bright sun begins to reappear, replace your solar glasses to look at the remaining partial phase.)
  • Stand still and cover your eyes with your eclipse glasses before looking up at the bright sun. After looking at the sun, turn away and remove your glasses — do not remove it while looking at the sun.
  • Do not stare continuously at the sun, even with solar glasses. Take breaks and give your eyes a rest.
  • Do not look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through an unfiltered camera, telescope, binoculars or other optical device. This will damage your eyes as well as the camera sensors.
  • Do not look at the sun through a camera, telescope, binoculars or any optical device while using your eclipse glasses-the concentrated solar rays will damage the filter and enter your eye(s), causing serious injury.
  • Always supervise children using solar glasses.
  • Outside the path of totality, you must always use a safe solar glasses to view the sun directly.




  • Remember, you will be out in the sun for an extended period, so prepare for that. Bring an umbrella for shade, use sunscreen, wear a hat, pre-hydrate and be sure to stay hydrated during the day.
  • For those without a seat in the stadium, be sure to bring a chair or blanket for use on the grass or field.
  • Coolers cannot be brought into the stadium; however, they are welcome on the practice field.
  • Have CASH available. Due to limited internet access and potential outages due to heavy demand, credit card machines might not be available or functioning. Have some cash for food and water.
  • Be sure to have your cell phone charged…but be aware that providers are expecting outages due to the heavy demand in a relatively small area.
  • Don’t leave items unattended. Benedictine College is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • If you leave your seat in the stadium you should not expect your seat to be there when you return.




  • Fill the gas tank in your car ahead of time.
  • Have printed directions to the viewing destination in case your cell phone or GPS device has difficulty connecting to the tower or satellite due to heavy user demand. (This is predicted by providers.)
  • Leave early for your viewing destination. Authorities are predicting heavy traffic congestion.
  • Remember, only handicapped parking is available on the Benedictine College campus. Most of those attending the eclipse event will be parking on the city streets around campus.
  • Be sure to concentrate on driving while behind the wheel and do not try to view any part of the eclipse while driving.
  • Do not wear your solar glasses while driving.
  • Do not stop your car on the side of the road or in the road to view the eclipse.
  • Do not stand near the side of a road during the eclipse. Drivers could be distracted and will have difficulty seeing you during totality.
  • Be patient and allow traffic to thin out before leaving your destination.