Helpful Hints for Homeschoolers

The transition from homeschool to college can be intimidating, but the Benedictine College School of Engineering is prepared to make this transition as smooth as possible. With a homeschool population of 18% at Benedictine College, we understand the needs of home educated students.

Below is a list of helpful hints to ease your mind, to enjoy the things you have already accomplished, and to prepare you for all that is ahead. We welcome homeschoolers to Benedictine College, and the School of Engineering.

  1. The Benedictine Community
    • The community at Benedictine College is undeniably strong. The Benedictine Family allows students to have a second “home” through small class sizes, a 15-1 student faculty ratio, no courses taught by teaching assistants, thriving faith life, and endless student life activities. At Benedictine students grow as students, and as individuals, because of the community.
  2. Go talk to your Professors
    • The expectation from a college professor and home school teachers can be completely different. During the first week of school, make it a priority to go and talk to each professor during office hours. Ask for specific expectations for the class, and get to know your new teachers. This will help later in the semester if you become unsure about a new topic and need extra assistance because you will already have a relationship with your professor.
  3. Trust your Skills
    • Home school students often have mastered how to learn in a different way than their private or publicly educated peers. College students need to have time management, study-skills, and a personal interest in their education. Many homeschoolers have already learned these skills and are one step ahead of their classmates.
  4. It’s the Same, but different
    • As you enter you enter ROC, Raven Orientation Camp, all new students are in the same position as you, nervous, but excited to start college. Whether you are home schooled, private, or publicly educated, you start college on the same level. Each student must learn how to manage the new freedom, rigorous course work, and to meet college expectations. All new students feel the same way as you do, and remember, it is the same as before, just a little different.
