School of Business – Overview

Preparing Students to Lead and Transform the World

Why the Benedictine College School of Business?

We graduate principled business leaders infused with an innovative spirit and prepared to excel in the global business community. Our graduates demonstrate their competence, character, and commitment to serving the common good with respect for the dignity of every person.

Points of Emphasis

  • Ability to communicate: Excellent verbal and written communication skills will set graduates apart from their peers as they compete for employment opportunities.
  • Competence: Once employed, graduates will know more and perform better in their chosen field of expertise, allowing them to grow further in their technical competency and career.
  • Character-filled: Those who perform well are often promoted to lead others doing the work. Character and values are the foundation for all effective leadership. Our approach to character flows from Catholic social teaching, emphasizing service to the common good and dignity of the human person.
  • Compassionate: Those accomplished at leading others and achieving results through others often get the opportunity to lead at an executive level. Our Christ-centered worldview will influence actions throughout the organization. Business has a responsibility to use its resources wisely for the betterment of mankind and the world.
  • Tomorrow’s Leaders: We believe that principled business leaders, those who practice a life of virtue at work, are better leaders. Consequently, through the cooperation and commitment of others, they generate better business results for all stakeholders.

Community of Faith and Scholarship

Learning in a community of faith and scholarship at a liberal arts college is one thing that truly sets the Benedictine College School of Business apart from other colleges—both in the experience of the students and in the value they gain from their studies.

The community life at the college supports students with their development in academics and as individuals. The faith life helps students gain a firmer grasp of both who they are and who they want to be in the future—principled leaders in their field.

Love of learning is a crucial Benedictine value. Professors provide a rigorous and rich environment that prepares students to think beyond that which is accepted, and innovate toward that which enhances results and the good for everyone.

Catholic Liberal Arts Education

At Benedictine College, being Catholic informs everything we do. Benedictine’s authentic Catholic identity provides our students the opportunity to integrate their faith with all aspects of their education. We are committed to the Catholic understanding that the primary goal of education is the formation of the entire person. Our faculty endeavor to live the teachings of the Church and instruct our students how to integrate the Catholic faith with the vocation of business.

One of the things that makes Benedictine College’s business program unique is its immersion in a liberal arts education. Business students take classes not only within their major, but also study in other disciplines, such as philosophy, theology, math, English and foreign language. The goal of a liberal arts education is to form students who are able to think for themselves and analyze different arguments and ideas, something that is invaluable to a career in the business world, and essential in a world where reason and faith must coexist.


The Benedictine College School of Business is located in the Ferrell Academic Center; the most prominent building on campus overlooking the Missouri River.

Each classroom is wireless—ready and equipped with smart boards, projectors, document scanners, Apple TV, and full AV play capabilities to enhance the learning experience.