Business – Learning Opportunities
ELAs / Internships
Every student who graduates from the Benedictine College School of Business is required to complete relevant work experience or an internship to gain real-world experience while making connections with business professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an ELA/Internship?
An Experiential Learning Activity or Internship is one of the great opportunities that the Benedictine College School of Business provides in which students get firsthand experience of the business world and are able to work, learn and problem solve within a for-profit or non-profit business organization. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply the skills and competencies they have developed in their major area as well as continuing their growth. Students will identify problems and propose solutions for a real business, recognize strategic issues faced by that business, observe leadership styles and skills, and make valuable connections for their career after college.
How does a student find an ELA or Internship?
Most students find their own internship either in their hometown, in Atchison, or in another community in which they currently live or study. Because of this, our students have interned in 48 of the 50 states and in over 25 countries around the world on all six of the inhabited continents. However, we are also able to assist students in finding company placements in the surrounding area. Companies that work with our program love working with Benedictine students and are excited to work with more. Over 95% of our students are rated as outstanding by the companies in which they work. A sample list of companies employing Benedictine College students as interns is included here.
“BC interns provide value to our business partners and gain useful insight by extending their learning beyond the classroom. Experiential learning opportunities help out students solidify and clarify plans for their future.”
— Mike King, Department Chair
What’s special about an ELA/Internship?
An ELA/Internship offers the students a chance to apply what they are learning and to realize what they do not know. Even if a student learns that they do not enjoy the work they do during their internship, that can still result in a valuable overall experience and help them to narrow their options for a career choice upon graduation.
When should I apply for an ELA/Internship?
Most students should not do an ELA/Internship until their junior year of college. Once a junior, the sooner you apply, the better. There are some ELAs/Internships where you need to have your materials in by October or November in order to be placed for the following summer, so it is good to plan well in advance for these opportunities.
What do businesses most look for in an intern?
Businesses say what they value most in their interns is the ability to communicate effectively and the ability to think critically. In addition, businesses have told us they also value technical skills and the ability to use relevant marketplace technologies like the Microsoft® Office™ suite of products as an efficiency tool to add value to their business.
What are the specific academic requirements for an ELA/Internship?
To complete their ELA/Internship, students must:
- Write 3 weekly journals throughout their experience
- Complete a Value-Added Project/Presentation
- Receive a complete written evaluation from their supervisor
- Complete a Self-evaluation
- Provide Evidence of 100 hours (per credit hour) of Work
Discovery Day
Benedictine College’s annual Discovery Day gives students the opportunity to select, research, and present a project of their choosing under the guidance of one of the school’s faculty members.
Student Organizations
- Ravenpreneurs
- Student International Business Council (SIBC)
Learn more by visiting Student Club & Organizations