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Service-Learning Newsletter
April 2020

April 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

We were just about ready to release our March newsletter when our plans, like those of everyone else in the country, were turned upside down by the pandemic. The format and structure of the classes we planned to highlight underwent drastic changes as the entire campus transitioned to online learning. The priorities and needs of our community in general and of our partner agencies in particular shifted as well. It was not clear for a number of weeks which service-learning plans could, would, or even should continue, let alone which ones should be featured in our newsletter, or whether we should have a newsletter at all! Now that the path forward on the academic side of things is a bit more clear, I want to share with you some of the ways students have supported and continue to support our community this term. While this newsletter will be brief, we are already preparing our next edition which will give a fuller picture of our Ravens in action.

Please know of our prayers for you and your loved ones during this time.

Thank you,

Meredith Stoops
Director of Service-Learning
