Raven Safety Plan (Archived from 2020)

“In responding to the pandemic, Benedictine College has had two overarching priorities: The health and safety of all students, faculty and staff who comprise the College community, and maintaining the continuity of its mission of community, faith and scholarship.”

Table of Contents

Background Information

Raven Safety is the Benedictine College plan to address the Coronavirus pandemic and to protect the Raven community for the coming academic year. The plan includes recommendations regarding under what conditions the college will begin the fall semester in person and with sports. The college recognizes that Raven Safety is a flexible/fluid plan, dependent on federal, state and local guidelines. Thus, what is expected today may not be expected at a later time.

Raven Safety has been developed by the Benedictine College Coronavirus Task Force in consultation with health care experts from around the country. In addition, the Task Force drew on a wide range of resources in developing its recommendations. This includes guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Atchison County Health Department, and other government agencies and professional organizations. Task Force members have also been in contact with other academic institutions in the state, including the University of Kansas, Kansas State University, Kansas Independent Colleges Association (KICA) institutions, and various Cardinal Newman Society colleges in order to review plans and white papers from other universities across the country.

Guiding Principles

Benedictine College is committed to protecting the health and safety of its students and employees and minimizing the potential spread of COVID-19 within our community. The College expects all members of the community to act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members.

Benedictine College will remain steadfast in the constant pursuit of its mission of community, faith and scholarship. Our goal is to provide a reasonable and doable plan that supports our mission. Different ways of deploying campus resources will be necessary as part of establishing a new normal. As we move forward, flexibility will be critical.

Task Force Framework

The Coronavirus Task Force used a project management approach that included twelve subcommittees addressing the following areas/tasks: Return to Work; Liaison with Atchison Hospital; Academics; Student Life; Faith; Athletics; Health Services; Quarantine Facilities; Campus Events; Communications; Education; Travel; and Traffic Flow. Each of these subcommittees were assigned specific tasks, team members, goals, deliverables, and deadlines for completing their work. The College Cabinet then approved the plan.


Raven Safety will take effect immediately and will remain in effect until further notice.

Shared Responsibility

Creating a safe and healthy environment at Benedictine College for students, faculty and staff is a shared responsibility that will require each of us to do our part and be accountable to one another for our behavior both on and off campus.

As a condition of returning to campus, community members are required to follow the COVID-19 related policies and requirements established by Benedictine College.

Among the key responsibilities of each community member are:

  • Observing physical distancing
  • Wearing face masks/coverings
  • Observing personal hygiene
  • Participating in health monitoring
  • Protecting the community by limiting potential exposure to COVID-19
  • Following College expectations with respect to testing, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation
  • Reading and taking responsibility for adherence to the College’s COVID-19 directives and communications.

All members of this community are expected to read the COVID-19 related health and safety communications sent to them and to visit the College’s website regularly for updates and additional information. Flexibility and adaptability are essential, and the College community must be willing to immediately adapt to changing circumstances.

Mitigation, Identification, and Care

The three areas of emphasis for Raven Safety are: Mitigation; Identification; and Care. The following are current plan specifics:


Mitigation procedures will follow recommended CDC, state and local guidelines and should be flexible enough to adapt to current situations.

Academic Schedule

Benedictine College is committed to providing the highest quality education to our students, emphasizing face-to-face instruction on campus. To that end, Benedictine College will begin the semester a week earlier than usual and end early to guard against the possible reoccurrence of the Coronavirus pandemic during the usual outbreak of the flu season, which normally starts in late November. Therefore, Benedictine College will host its first day of class on August 19, 2020. The college has canceled Fall Break, scheduled for October 22-23, 2020, and will hold its last day of classes in Atchison on November 24, 2020. Finals Week will be conducted online during the week of November 30-December 4, 2020.

In accordance with advice we have received from local medical professionals, we strongly believe the two weeks before students arrive on campus and first several weeks through Labor Day will be crucial times for the college community to practice established health and safety protocols.

Academic Considerations

To stay in alignment with the various official guidance that is promulgated, while at the same time providing the most robust academic experience possible, the Academic Coronavirus Task Force focused on the following general mitigation strategies:

  • Adopting a flexible model in the classroom that will allow for sick students/faculty or those who have pre-existing conditions to attend remotely, if needed.
  • Purchasing technology for classrooms (Owls) that will support a flexible model.
  • Requiring everyone to wear face masks/coverings in the classroom and starting a campaign with students that emphasizes mask use helps protect the most vulnerable in our community.
  • Decreasing density in classrooms and moving classes to larger areas, if needed.
  • Offering instructors the use of screens and sneeze guards for instructional use.
  • Increasing frequency of cleaning and additional disinfecting procedures in classrooms.

Recognizing that different departments have dramatically different needs in these scenarios, each department has met to develop a plan of how the department will implement decreased density in the classes they are offering this fall and what is needed to be prepared in case we did have to transition back to fully online. To begin the semester, the following guidance has been developed:

Specific Academic Department Guidelines

Face-to-Face Instruction

While there will be some exceptions, the dominant mode of instruction for the fall will be in-person, face-to-face classes. A small number of faculty have indicated that they or someone in their household have risk factors that make it imprudent for them to teach in person this fall; they will be able to hold their classes online. Faculty who are teaching hybrid classes or remotely because of classroom capacity issues (rather than personal or family risk factors) should be on campus as usual.

    • Currently, students traveling from a variety of states and virtually all foreign countries are required to maintain a 10-day quarantine period before they come to campus. Students who have not completed the state-mandated quarantine before the beginning of class will need to start the semester via distance.
    • There will be a certain number of students, including students from countries unable to travel to the United States due to COVID-19 restrictions, and students who themselves have risk factors, who will need to learn via distance.
    • Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 will be required to quarantine, and they will need access.
    • Students who are identified as having been exposed to a sick person will be required to quarantine; they also will need access.
    • Faculty members who are exposed will need to quarantine off campus, and so will need to be able to deliver course material via distance
    • If faculty get sick, the college will make alternative arrangements during recovery, so planning for this possibility at a departmental level is important.
    • Even though face-to-face instruction is the norm, we must be prepared to accommodate situations that will require students and/or faculty to be out of the classroom for some time.
  • It is vitally important that no one come to class when they are feeling sick. Students will all be instructed not to attend class if they are sick. Faculty must modify attendance policies so there is no incentive for students to attend while feeling sick. Policies must either remove attendance completely as an element of grade calculations, or establish an excused/unexcused absence policy, and make it clear that even a mild illness will fall on the “excused” side of the ledger.

Distancing and Masking

Both maintaining physical distance and ubiquitous masking are important. Wearing masks in public (which includes areas on campus outside faculty offices) is now required by state regulation. The college will comply with this regulation as long as it is in effect, and, because we are in a high-density environment, we may well continue a masking requirement even if the state-wide requirement is lifted.

While we will not be able to maintain a full 6’ radius between students in every classroom, we are reducing classroom density by removing some chairs and arranging furniture to maintain distance and expect all students to wear masks during class.

  • Departments have received information about new classroom capacity. Classes may be shifted from one room to another to accommodate different sized meeting space needs.
  • Faculty will be expected to uphold the masking requirement in their classrooms. There may be a small number of students with documented disabilities that will preclude them from wearing masks; you will be informed if any of those students are in your classes by the Student Success Center. Some students may experience some distress or anxiety during the course of a class period; please allow them to step out and remove their masks where it is safe to do so and then to return to class when they are able. Faculty may not waive the mask requirement for students in their classes.
  • All community members (students, faculty and staff) are expected to wear masks when in public areas of the college, including the library, study spaces in academic buildings, and in copy rooms and break rooms.
  • Some faculty have indicated that they believe the requirement that they wear a mask while teaching is so disruptive of their ability to effectively educate that it will defeat the purpose of face-to-face instruction. For those faculty who simply cannot teach effectively while wearing a mask, there are two alternatives, both of which require faculty members to maintain a minimum of 6’ between themselves and their students at all times during class:
    1. Faculty can wear a clear plastic face-shield while maintaining the 6’ distance between themselves and the nearest student. (NOTE: the college will purchase face shields for those who request them.)
    2. Faculty can use a transparent portable screen in their classroom. They must stay behind the screen during the entire class period and the screen must be at least 6’ from the nearest student.

Cleaning and Sanitation

We will need to be vigilant and enlist the aid of our students in keeping classrooms and shared surfaces clean. Faculty and students will be responsible for maintaining a level of sanitation that will help ensure the virus is not being spread through surface contact.

  • Faculty will be issued a bottle of disinfectant that can be used to spray down the high-touch surfaces (tabletops, keyboards, remotes) before and after class. Students should be asked to wipe down the surfaces that they will be using.
  • Faculty who teach class in a computer lab should ensure that keyboards are wiped before and after class, since the computers may be used between classes by others.
  • Faculty should bring their own dry erase markers to class each day. If students will be doing board work, the college will supply markers to distribute to students, rather than having them share; please notify the Dean’s Office of any need for markers at any point in the semester.
  • In general, it is best for departments to avoid—to the extent possible—the sharing of equipment and supplies. Many departments where this is an issue have already addressed it in their plans. If a department depends on student’s sharing materials, then a plan must be developed to keep the equipment sanitized, or alternative teaching strategies that do not depend on sharing material should be used.
  • Faculty should leave the door open during the passing period between classes so students can enter and leave without touching the door handle.

Personal Actions: Face Masks/Coverings, Hand Washing, Physical Distancing Guidelines

Based on the advice from the CDC, KDHE, and our local public health officials, Benedictine College has implemented requirements related to the use of face masks/coverings, physical distancing and decreased density in campus facilities and on college property, hand washing, and other protocols in response to health and safety concerns.

  • To reduce the transmission of COVID-19 infection, all Benedictine College students, employees and visitors must wear a face mask/covering in any college building, facility and classroom unless they are physically isolated in a private space or room.
  • Face masks/coverings also must be worn in all public places and settings on campus where physical distancing cannot be maintained. This includes outdoor spaces on campus and situations such as traveling to and from classes or events.
  • If a student or employee has a medical condition or disability that prevents them from safely wearing a face mask/covering, he or she will not be required to wear one and alternative arrangements will be made. Students should notify Katie Campbell, Disabilities Service Coordinator, and employees should notify Charo Kelley, Director of Human Resources, to begin the accommodation/exemption process.
  • All Benedictine College students, employees and visitors are encouraged to practice healthy physical distancing as well as decreasing density in classrooms, dining facilities and other public spaces on campus.
  • All Benedictine College students, employees and visitors are encouraged to practice frequent hand washing or to use hand sanitizer. The college will be intensifying cleaning and disinfecting schedules and procedures across campus.
  • All members of our community are strongly encouraged to practice self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms daily, including monitoring of temperature, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sudden loss of taste/smell, etc.


Education for students, faculty and staff about ongoing health care, prevention and self-monitoring will be critical for a successful plan. Some areas that have been developed include a COVID-19 Symptoms Chart; proper hand washing procedures; physical distancing education; importance of proper face masks/coverings; and self-reporting symptoms protocol, among others. Raven Safety COVID-19 training will be developed to educate our college community.

Pre- and Return Quarantine Guidelines

Benedictine College recommends that all students self-quarantine for 10 days prior to returning to campus. This would include quarantine at home with limited exposure to outside environment. Students are encouraged to use proper face masks/coverings and maintain healthy physical distancing.

If a student is identified as returning from a Covid-19 “Hotspot” as indicated by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) or have traveled internationally, that student must quarantine in the State of Kansas for 10 days before being allowed to move freely about campus. Further evaluation may be conducted by the Student Health Center staff.

In accordance with advice we have received from local medical professionals, the two weeks before students arrive on campus and first several weeks through Labor Day will be crucial times for the college community to practice established health and safety protocols.

Return to Work

On July 15, all staff returned to working on campus full-time with the following exception:

  1. High-risk employees may continue to work from home with a doctor’s note stating the employee’s need to remain working from home.

Employees with questions about when they should return to working on campus should discuss their individual situation with their supervisor.

Office Preparation and Mitigation Guidelines

In compliance with federal, state, and local guidance, Benedictine College has developed the following Office Preparation and Mitigation guidelines. This provides guidance for offices and their respective managers to, as much as possible, maintain the health and safety of the campus community. While these guidelines provide suggestions based on current information about COVID-19, it is important that the college community stay aware of and continue to follow the ever-changing guidelines outlined by federal, state and local officials. Managers and employees should follow basic public health guidelines as outlined by WHO, CDC, KDHE, OSHA, State of Kansas and Atchison County that will slow the spread of COVID-19.

Prepare to Implement Basic Infection Prevention Measures

For most managers, protecting employees will depend on emphasizing basic infection prevention measures. All managers and employees should implement good hygiene and infection control practices, including:

  • Employees are required to wear a face mask or appropriate face covering while in public areas on campus.
    • Public areas are defined as those areas outside of a closed private office, conference room, classroom, mechanical room, or other individual workspace with divider walls.
    • Employees must wear a face mask or appropriate face covering at all times while inside a campus building including:
      • traveling to or from their office
      • traveling to or from the restroom or other area on campus
      • while in a break room or copy room
      • when working in a group
      • when working in a reception area or in an open format office without divider walls
    • Employees must wear a face mask or appropriate face covering at all times while outside on campus, unless working or traveling individually.
  • Promote frequent and thorough hand washing for at least 20 seconds, including:
    • After blowing one’s nose, coughing or sneezing
    • Before, during and after preparing food
    • Before and after using the restroom
    • After touching garbage
    • Before and after the work shift
    • Before and after work breaks
    • After touching objects that have been handled by others.
  • Maintain a healthy physical distance.
  • Discourage employees from using other employees’ phones, desks, offices or other work tools and equipment, when possible.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently.

Develop, Implement and Communicate about Workplace Flexibilities and Protections

Managers should openly communicate with their employees about expectations for working in the office and what they should do to protect themselves and the greater college community. As appropriate, all managers should implement workplace flexibility, including:

  • Employees who develop symptoms outside of work should notify their supervisor and stay home, regardless of whether they feel okay or think they are no longer contagious.
  • Employees who have symptoms when they arrive at work or become sick during the day should immediately be separated from other employees, students and visitors and sent home, regardless of whether they feel okay or think they are no longer contagious.
  • Employees who live with others that have symptoms or are being tested, monitored or treated for Coronavirus should notify their supervisor and stay home.
  • High-risk employees may continue to work from home with a doctor’s note stating the employee’s need to remain working from home.
  • Talk with companies that provide your office with contracted work or temporary employees about the importance of sick employees staying home.
  • The College will maintain flexible policies that permit employees to stay home to care for a sick family member. Managers should be aware that more employees may need to stay at home to care for sick children or other sick family members than is usual.
  • The College time off policy is designed to afford employees with the time necessary to address personal needs. During this time, the College has also provided for those employees who have exhausted their paid time off to continue to be paid. Employees should contact Human Resources if they have any questions.

Modify Office Procedures and Install Physical Barriers when Needed

Managers should consider modifying how their office completes its work to minimize unnecessary traffic to and from the office. As appropriate, all managers should modify office procedures, including:

  • Encourage employees to use the telephone or email instead of in-person communication.
  • Implement a closed-door policy.
  • Establish an appointment-only policy.
  • The College Marketing department has developed appropriate signage that instructs students and visitors how to navigate setting appointments with the various offices across campus.
  • When necessary, consider installing physical barriers, such as sneeze guards or retractable plastic shields, if the inability to modify workflows requires them.

Requirement to Report Possible Coronavirus Exposure

Employees are required to report if they are experiencing any symptoms of, are being monitored for exposure to, or have been tested for Coronavirus. While this report will be used to communicate potential exposures to the campus, the individual’s identity will remain confidential. Employees should report this information to their supervisor.

Student Life, College Ministry and Dining Services

Staff members in the areas of Student Life, College Ministry and Dining Services have developed reasonable protocols based on recommended guidance from the CDC and other government agencies as well as guidance from our sponsoring communities and professional organizations.

The plan for Benedictine College housing, Dining Services and College Ministry this year is to be student focused. Given COVID-19 conditions, this means they will require face masks/coverings in public areas, decrease density in common spaces, encourage healthy physical distancing, implement health and safety policies and protocols, increase frequency of cleaning and additional disinfecting procedures, and identify self-isolation and quarantine locations for the residential community.

These areas are committed to providing programming and support that enhance the college mission of community, faith and scholarship. Offices across campus will be connecting with student groups to develop new strategies for creative socializing and virtual programming.

Student Life COVID-19 Operating Procedure Outline

Student Life Office
  • Reviewing office functionality/operations to decrease exposure and minimize risk:
    • Student life is reviewing and actively pursuing supplies to have on hand to combat Covid-19, currently ordered face masks, gloves, no contact thermometers.
    • Establishing traffic flow options within office spaces.
    • Implement one-way traffic through office as recommended by the Coronavirus Task Force committee
  • Determining whether altering main office furniture arrangement is advantageous for decreasing risk in individual offices.
  • Reviewing cost effective ways to alter traffic flow and decrease transmission possibilities for staff in all offices:
    • Establishing face mask/coverings requirement protocol within office spaces
    • Establishing appointment scheduling process/requirements with staff members
  • Require visitors to attend meetings only after scheduling an appointment:
    • Establishing process to work with pop-in students/visitors to campus.
    • Establishing cleaning procedures by full time staff/student workers during normal hours.
    • Establishing student worker/non-essential employees/staggering work schedules.
    • Establishing in-person meeting procedures with students.
  • In face to face meetings, all participants will be required to wear face masks/coverings and pursue physical distancing as much as possible:
    • Establishing internal staff meeting procedures for Student Life.
  • Student Life will follow task force recommendations on maximizing physical distancing, use of online meeting formats, etc.:
    • Establishing PPE supplies needed to minimize staff/student risk and adhere to health professionals’ recommendations.
  • Maintain a supply of disposable face masks to distribute, when needed.
  • Maintain adequate cleaning supplies to support a heightened level of sanitation/cleanliness.

The Student Life Office will follow the College’s Office Preparation and Mitigation Guidelines (6.23.20), noted above, as much as possible, to maintain the health and safety of the students we serve as well as those who work in the office.

Student Activities
  • Establishing Operating Procedures specific to the SGA/CAB Office role within the Student Life Office:
    • Establishing clear operating protocol for SGA/CAB offices.
  • Creating guidelines for SGA/CAB that pairs working in the office with working remotely as much as possible/establish what will be normal office hours.
  • Creating a guest visitor policy for SGA/CAB visitors to maintain recommended operating protocol from administration.
  • Developing easily understood day-to-day operating procedure/expectations for all members of SGA/CAB that clearly defines office usage.
  • Reviewing current traffic flow for entire Student Life office, analyzing office space use to see if any current SGA space should be repurposed or rearranged as part of a greater Student Life Office Covid-19 response plan.
  • Developing protocol for SGA/CAB meetings to maximize physical distancing while still maintaining crucial roles of SGA/CAB representatives.
    • Reviewing possibility of doing SGA/CAB meetings via zoom/remotely.
    • Reviewing protocol for clubs and organizations for their meetings.
    • Review larger events/gatherings to establish protocol for each event individually that adheres to all recommended guidelines whenever said event is taking place

Physical distancing will be incorporated into the various programs as well as operating procedures for SGA/CAB meetings and office space. Move-in procedures for new and returning students include physical distancing and other procedures to promote both safety and hospitality.

Counseling Office
Building Space
  • The waiting room is restricted to three chairs that are spaced a minimum of 6 feet apart.
  • In-person appointment times will be staggered so that no more than two students are waiting for an appointment at the same time.
  • The office manager will wipe down and disinfect the waiting room chairs after each use, and will regularly clean the door handle.
  • Students will be requested to come at the appointed time and no earlier.
  • All books, magazines and other shared waiting room items have been removed.
  • There are 3 locations designated in the building as counseling rooms. These are the office spaces that are large enough to allow for physical distancing. They are the director’s office, the small group room, and the large group room.
  • All therapy rooms have a designated therapy chair that the counselor will disinfect after each session.
  • There office will utilize a separate building entrance and exit to maintain physical distancing. The second entrance door will be continually propped open, so there is only one door handle that needs to be continually cleaned. Students will exit out the back door.
Organizational Structure
  • All appointments will be scheduled.
  • There will be no more than three counselors on-site at one time.
  • Students will initially be offered tele-health counseling, but if a student meets specific criteria deeming an in-person counseling session is more appropriate, it will be scheduled.
  • All students are asked to wear a face mask/covering for their in-person session.
  • All in-person sessions will be scheduled when the office manager is in the building.
  • The office manager will take the temperature of each student upon arrival, manage the waiting room for any crisis or safety concerns, and disinfect the chair when a student leaves the waiting room.
  • Students will be told to call in to the Counseling Center when in crisis and talk to the office manager or an available counselor. At which point, a plan will be put in place for appropriate crisis intervention care.
  • When the office manager is not in the building, the director will schedule administrative hours for this time and answer phones/address office duties as needed.
  • All paperwork has been moved online, including the Counseling Request Form and all intake documentation.
  • All appointment scheduling has been moved online and communicated to students via e-mail as done previously.
  • All staff must stay home if feeling unwell and if possible, they may continue their counseling sessions through the online platform at home.
Student Health Center

The Student Health Center will be relocated to a temporary facility located across the street from St. Michael Hall. This new facility will provide increased space for additional health center staff as well as two separate entrances, one for students experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms and one for students experiencing other health concerns.

The facility will allow Student Health Center staff to be separated from the Counseling Center staff and will provide additional spaces within the Counseling Center to accommodate counseling needs.

Residence Life – Residence Halls

Residence Life has established beginning-of-the-year training for RDs/RAs that maximizes safety for all students and staff:

  • Training will utilize both physical distancing and face masks/coverings whenever possible.
  • Training will include additional education on identifying symptomatic students and following proper procedures based on the flow chart when a possible infection is identified to minimize fellow student exposure.
  • Training will include additional education on new processes for completing room searches, connectivity and programming to maximize safety for staff.
  • Training will include additional education on communicating newly adapted standard of living expectations for the immediate future including:

Residence Hall Operations

Residence hall protocols have been an area of careful study, given that we will have over 1,500 students living on campus in a variety of room configurations. Living in community matters deeply to us, but we also recognize that it requires extra precautions during this pandemic. Students should feel fully at home in their rooms, so there is no need to wear masks in assigned rooms or with roommates. All residents and guests must, however, wear masks in all other rooms and common spaces, including hallways and lounges. During the early weeks of the fall semester, students should use hall common spaces to gather with other students who are not their assigned roommate(s). Residence Life can make shared kitchens available through appointments.

Residence halls will operate at standard occupancy, though enhanced cleaning and other adjustments in our common life will be necessary to keep one another safe. As the medical situation changes, we will re-evaluate accordingly. Adjustments to residence halls and their operations include:

  • To protect student rooms as private spaces in which masks and physical distancing are not required, only the students assigned to a residence hall room will be allowed to be in their room to start the fall semester. Assigned roommates will be considered a “household” for purposes of contact tracing.
  • Although students will not need to wear masks or observe physical distancing when they are in their assigned rooms, they must do so in all other areas, including hallways and common spaces.
  • During the early weeks of the fall semester, students are permitted to gather in the common spaces of the residence halls with students who are not their assigned roommates.
  • Students may visit residence halls that they do not live in, but only in common spaces to start the semester. While visiting, guests must wear masks, observe physical distancing, and be accompanied by a resident. Visitation hours are still in effect for all common spaces.
  • The total number of people gathered in a common space at any one time cannot exceed the occupancy limits posted for the space, and no guests may stay overnight.
  • Card access will be limited to students living in each residence hall.
  • Operations/Housekeeping will clean the halls and disinfect high touch surfaces daily.
  • Shared kitchens will be made available by appointments during limited hours. Resident must provide their own pots, pans, and any other cooking items and utensils. Residents are responsible for sanitizing all surface areas and common touchpoint after they use the kitchen.
  • Residence hall laundry facilities will be available as in the past.
  • Chapels will remain open for individual prayer

College Ministry

Safety Guidelines Concerning All Religious Services

Faith life on campus is vital and essential, thus we must all work together to observe practices that are proven to minimize the spread of COVID-19. To ensure this, College Ministry will follow the most current safety guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Our archdiocese, subject to local county directives, offers very specific guidelines concerning Sunday obligation, persons exhibiting symptoms, density, sanitation, hygiene, Holy Communion, adoration, reconciliation, etc. Benedictine College will implement the archdiocesan and local county guidelines across all religious services and activities.

Continue to Dispense from the Sunday Obligation

So that the members of our campus community do not feel compelled to attend Mass during the ongoing pandemic, they will be made aware of the dispensation given by the Archbishop from the obligation for Catholics to attend Sunday Mass until this dispensation has been revoked.

  • Persons with higher vulnerability to the virus, for personal safety reasons, are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the dispensation and refrain from attending public Mass.
  • Chaplains will make provisions, to the extent possible and in accord with all the prescribed safety guidelines, to make occasional pastoral visits to those who cannot attend Mass. Visits should be limited to greeting at the door and offering Confession and Holy Communion at the door of the residence observing all the safety recommendations stated below.
Limit Density at Gatherings

Local governments may impose phased-in density restrictions for gatherings. Benedictine College worship gatherings should observe the following density restrictions:

  • Adhere to density restrictions imposed by local or state public health orders and if those orders are not specific, comply with the parameters listed in this section.
  • Individuals must observe a minimum of six-foot spacing from other individuals and comply with the overall population density permitted by local health orders.
  • Lines for Holy Communion should observe six-foot distances as the line progresses, this may require only one line for Holy Communion with no side by side standing.
  • Entry and departure from the worship space should use as many doors as possible and be staged to avoid congestion at doors.
  • Entry and exit doors should be propped open to avoid the need for attendees to touch the door.
  • Based on local governmental density restrictions, the Archdiocese will provide parishes with examples of how to calculate the proper congregant density in a worship space, if needed. Generally, to allow the proper distancing required, church attendance should be limited to 25% of the maximum seating capacity of the church or worship space.
Video Tutorial

The Archdiocese has provided a video tutorial on how to properly arrive at church, sanitize hands, observe the prescribed physical distancing, use face masks, approach for Holy Communion, etc. The tutorial, along with other messages and updates, can be found on the Archdiocesan website.

Behaviors of Those Attending

Those who attend Masses and other religious services should observe the following:

  • Wear a face mask/covering, covering the mouth and nose, prior to entering the church until after leaving the church.
  • Observe the six-foot minimum distancing requirements described above.
  • Purify hands with sanitizer before entering the church and upon exiting.
  • Avoid shaking hands, hugging or other close contact with other individuals.
  • Watch the tutorial video provided on the Archdiocesan and parish websites pertaining to hand sanitation practices, physical distancing practices and safe way to approach Holy Communion, etc.
  • For those opting to receive Holy Communion, approach the minister only one pew at a time, always observing six-foot minimum distancing between individuals and observing the mask usage practices described in the tutorials.
  • Congregational singing should be suspended to limit droplet dispersion.
Liturgical Practices to be Observed by Ministers and Pastors

The following practices should be employed by ministers and pastors:

  • Limit duration of Sunday Masses to 45 minutes to limit exposure time between persons.
  • Ensure effective air circulation via HVAC system or by opening windows.
  • Discontinue use of shared hymnals or prayer books in the church.
  • Continue to refrain from placement of holy water in stoups or entry fonts.
  • Continue to prohibit passing of the collection plate, providing instead a basket at entrances for attendees to drop offerings.
  • The practice of the offertory procession should continue to be suspended and the elements of bread and wine should be covered with a purificator or pall while on the altar.
  • Distribution of the Sacred Host should be carefully “dropped” into the cupped hand of the communicant, avoiding skin to skin contact between minister and communicant.
  • Given the varying opinions within the medical and scientific community regarding transmission of the virus, we do not encourage reception of Holy Communion on the tongue at this time. However, for those wishing to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, there should be a designated minister or extraordinary minister assigned exclusively for this option at a station. This minister or extraordinary minister must sanitize his or her hands between communicants.
  • Continue to prohibit the reception of Holy Communion from the chalice (except for the priest).
  • Pastors should keep the number of Mass servers and other liturgical ministers to the minimum required to effectively celebrate the Liturgy.
  • Music ministry should be limited to a cantor and accompanist.
  • Congregational singing should be suspended until further notice.
  • Music should be minimal enough to meet the time parameters for Mass.
  • Pews and commonly touched surfaces must be sanitized between services.
  • Ensure proper sanitizing of sacred vessels after each service.
  • Wherever possible, continue to livestream services so that those who opt not to attend in person can still participate online.
  • While churches should be open outside of service times for private prayer, the number at any one time should be limited to comply with local health orders and to observe the minimum six-foot distancing. Those who enter the church should be asked to wear face masks/coverings, disinfect hands upon arrival and at departure and enter via a specified regular entrance.
  • Provisions should be made to sanitize the door handles, especially at the regular church entrance, and other commonly touched surfaces (bathroom fixtures, etc.), several times per day.
  • The above guidelines apply to both Sunday Mass and daily Masses.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Ministers of Holy Communion should wear face mask/coverings.
  • They should sanitize hands before and after distribution and avoid touching the hands of communicants.
  • If they do accidentally touch a communicant’s hand, the minister should stop and sanitize their own hands before moving on to the next communicant.
  • Procedures should be in place to have someone nearby with hand sanitizer and a method for safely setting down the Communion plate while the minister’s hands are sanitized.
  • Hands should always be re-sanitized after touching or removing the face mask.
Guidelines for Adoration
  • Perpetual adoration chapels should remain closed.
  • Pastors may opt to offer specified times for adoration in the church proper, observing all the prescribed physical distancing, personal safety and occupancy density parameters listed above.
Guidelines for the Sacrament of Reconciliation

The following practices should be employed by confessors:

  • Continue the practice of not using reconciliation rooms.
  • Ensure minimum distance of 6 feet between confessor and penitent. Screens impervious to droplet transmission should be used whenever possible.
  • “Drive by” and outdoor confessions should be used when practical, always taking steps to assure the privacy of the penitent.
  • Arrangements for reconciliation should avoid the need for the penitent to have to touch door handles or other surfaces.
  • Confessors and penitents should be encouraged to wear a face mask/covering over the mouth and nose.
Other Considerations
  • Guidelines apply to the Abbey, St. Benedict’s Parish and every chapel and grotto on campus.
  • The Abbey nave is the only area within the Abbey that is open. The choir stalls and Eucharistic chapel are both off limits until further notice.
Those Who Have Symptoms

Out of charity and concern for the welfare of others, anyone with any kind of COVID-19 related symptoms, a fever, or recent exposure to an infected person should not attend religious services.

Concerning the Ministry Department (including religious/missionary groups on campus)
Ministry Office Use
  • Follow KDHE, Atchison County, and college guidelines for physical distancing
  • Observe Atchison County, KDHE, and college guidelines for PPE and sanitation
  • Educate by supporting and living out the awareness campaign of the College
  • Covid-19 Symptoms Chart
  • Proper hand washing procedures
  • Proper PPE use and Physical Distancing education
  • Follow Self-reporting symptoms protocol
  • Office will be accessible only with ID card to control foot traffic and allow for accurate tracing procedures
  • Students should work remotely to meet physical distancing guidelines exposure
  • Limit off-campus and non-department guests as much as possible
  • Follow reporting protocols for any student/faculty/staff exhibiting symptoms
Ministry Specific Events
  • Follow KDHE, Atchison County, and college guidelines for physical distancing
  • Observe KDHE, Atchison County, and college guidelines for PPE and sanitation
  • Educate by supporting and living out the awareness campaign of the College
  • Covid-19 Symptoms Chart
  • Proper hand washing procedures
  • Physical Distancing education
  • Importance of proper PPE use
  • Follow Self-reporting symptoms protocol
  • Move to online format wherever possible to meet physical distancing guidelines
  • Limit off-campus guests as much as possible and in adherence to the College Policy
  • Follow reporting protocols for any student/faculty/staff exhibiting symptoms
  • Observe County protocol and KCK Safety Guidelines for all religious services and sacramental life
  • All off-campus events will follow the newly established Benedictine College Travel Policy, request the proper permission, and will adhere to all guidelines set forth from government/diocesan authorities of the destination location.

Benedictine Dining Services

Considering the impact of COVID-19, Dining Services as we know it will fundamentally change, however, they are poised to provide solutions that support all individuals within the campus community. Dining Services plans incorporate the latest guidance from the CDC as well as state and local guidelines.

The Dining Services plan addresses five key areas: focusing on students, engaging staff, maintaining safe environments, adapting operations, and collaborating with students, faculty and staff to ensure success, now and into the future.

Several changes to our Dining Services program are planned for the fall with current safety guidelines in place include:

  • Extending the hours of the Dining Hall to be open continuously from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM daily (except on weekends), giving students a greater option for meals and encouraging physical distancing and decreased density
  • Eliminating self-serve stations that will result in staff serving food to guests as a measure to eliminate buffet stations with utensils used by various guests
  • Preparing prepackaged salads and deli sandwiches, providing a “to go” option in the Dining Hall
  • Promoting decreased density in the Dining Hall by reducing seating at tables and restructuring the layout of tables
  • Posting signage and graphics encouraging hand washing and physical distancing
  • Installing updated service dispensers to control cross-contamination on surfaces (utensil, condiments, etc.)
  • Increasing the cleaning frequency of all surfaces in all dining services locations
  • Utilizing the late-night area in the Haverty Center as a grab and go area to encourage physical distancing, with the location being available 7 days a week
  • Removing tables from Holy Grounds and Café 62 with the hope of offering an online ordering system
  • Offering additional grab-and-go options in retail units on the weekend
  • Requiring staff to wash hands and change gloves frequently
  • All Dining Staff and work study students will wear masks/face coverings during operating hours
  • Requiring daily health verification by all staff
  • Conducting daily temperature checks for all staff
  • Establishing frequent manager symptom checks and monitoring
  • Increasing cross training of staff across multiple roles to improve staffing flexibility and adjusting retail hours, as needed, to ensure the Dining Hall operations and hours are the priority


The Athletic Department is working hard to develop Mitigation, Identification, and Care strategies and protocols to keep our teams safe and healthy throughout the year. Various forms have been created to assist staff, such as COVID-19 screening, facility screening, participation log, and contact tracing.

In addition, staff members are communicating regularly with representatives from the Heart of America Athletic Conference (HAAC) and the NAIA to determine and meet established criteria.

Student-Athlete, Staff and Athletics Department Health and Safety Actions

It is Benedictine College’s goal to ensure that the entire athletics department, student athletes and staff are provided with the highest level of care, which includes following all national, state, and local healthcare guidelines and medical practices.

It is important to be aware that during the COVID-19 pandemic we will follow these same guidelines and will continue to evolve our standards of practice following medical advances, procedures, and treatment plans as they develop. Plans and contingencies will be created to help provide flexibility as guidelines from these supervising entities develop.

During this time of development and implementation, we will engage the Athletic Department and anyone that would be included in these areas of providing care or have access to our department and facilities. Besides our student-athletes, coaches, staffs, support staffs, and administration, we will include – but not limit to – medical professionals, maintenance, food services, shipping and receiving along with Benedictine College campus resources and others that may be identified in the future.

By including all areas and people that are associated with the implementation of return to athletic activities, we will be able to limit any exposures and provide a plan to mitigate any concerns that may arise. We will coordinate with the Benedictine College Coronavirus Task Force to make sure everyone understands and has access to procedures put in place during our return. We will also be continuously monitoring all the medical resources and update our plans and procedures accordingly, with the assistance and guidance of local medical professionals and county health officials.

Medical and Infection Control Equipment (Worn and utilized per state and local regulations)

  • Face Masks/Coverings: Medical grade, cloth/cotton – disposable and reusable/washable provided to athletic department. (two layers- 180 thread count or more, per layer)
  • Gloves: Multiple sizes used in healthcare, cleaning, laundry, and other areas as needed
  • Eye Protection and Face Shields: As needed in athletic training rooms
  • Thermometers: Non-contact infrared utilized in athletic facilities
  • Hand sanitizer (individual and mobile stations): Positioned based on facility use
  • Soap and disposable towels: in all athletic facilities
  • Other: Pulse oximeter, peak flow meter, emergency medical supplies available in athletic training rooms
  • Biohazard containers and bags: Positioned based on facility use
  • Cleaning and disinfecting solutions: Provided through Benedictine College Facilities Manager, Benedictine College Athletic Training and Student Health Services.
  • Supply inventory and procurement: Provided through on campus facilities manager, Benedictine College Athletic Training, and/or other county medical assistance.

Student-Athlete, Staff and Development Prevention Education and Training

Presented by staff Athletic Trainers and its Athletic Department Medical Professionals

  • Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

What to do if you experience any of these:

  • Contact your athletic trainer immediately for directions
  • Utilizing on-campus Student Health Services and/or Atchison Hospital urgent care
  • CALL 911 if you are experiencing trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in your chest, inability to arouse or confusion, bluish lips, or face

Pre-Return Quarantine and Return Quarantine

  • Benedictine College Athletics has recommended that all student athletes self-quarantine for 10 days prior to returning to campus.
  • This would include quarantine at home with limited exposure to outside environment
  • Maintain physical distancing at home
  • Use of proper face masks/coverings
  • If a student is identified as returning from a Covid-19 “Hotspot” that student athlete must be quarantined in Kansas and further evaluation may be conducted.

“How Can I Protect Myself?”

  • Avoid anyone who is sick or are in the identified high-risk groups
  • Follow state and local prevention guidelines
  • Wear a face mask/covering in public or when physical distancing cannot be attained
  • Cover mouth when coughing, blowing nose and sneezing – throw tissues away immediately
  • Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water – perform this throughout the day and especially after any contact.
  • Do not touch face, eyes, or mouth until you have washed your hands
  • Hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol can be used if only option
  • Clean dormitory, home, or personal space regularly with appropriate disinfectants
  • Practice physical distancing and avoid close contact
  • Do not gather in groups (per country limitations on physical gathering size, currently 45 individuals per 1,000 square feet)
  • Practice great standard hygiene
  • No sharing of personal items, objects, or effects – water bottles, cups, towels, etc.
  • Limit touching surfaces, objects, etc. that are unnecessary
  • Only go to places outside of your home that are for necessities or items you require to function
  • Wash hands immediately upon returning to dormitory or communal facility

Self-report or suspected case protocol

  • A student athlete who is suspected of Covid-19 will have their temperature taken upon reporting and documented
  • A symptoms check including the date and time collected with be documented
  • If the student athlete reports during normal Student Health Services hours they will be referred to Janet Adrian for continued medical support and testing
  • In the event symptoms are reported during the hours Student Health services are not open, the student will be self-quarantined in an on-campus quarantine location until further evaluation can be conducted the following day
    • If symptoms listed under the “Emergency symptom” category are identified 911 should be contacted for appropriate medical response
  • When a student athlete is confirmed to have Covid-19 refer to “Confirmed positive case Protocol”
  • If initial test is negative, the student athlete will be on a self-quarantine for the next 10 days to prevent potential team contamination

Confirmed positive case protocol

  • Upon confirmed PCR test for COVID-19, athletes are placed into quarantine
  • Athletes are highly encouraged to return home for quarantine, when available
  • If a return home is not available, off campus quarantine options are available
  • A quarantine of 10 days will be conducted based off medical officials’ directives
  • After quarantine has been completed a medical evaluation will need to be completed by the supervising physician before being allowed to return to campus
    • Additional respiratory and cardiovascular testing may need to be conducted
    • Documentation from the physician for his/her clearance will be required
  • An acclimatization and reconditioning process may need to be conducted to return athletes back to full participation. Time of return will be designated by the team physician

Returning to Benedictine College and Athletics

A full team roster and the state from which the student-athlete and staff are returning to campus from will be established to evaluate, prepare, and identify potential various levels of risk that each person presents.

This advanced review will help better prepare for individuals returning to campus. It is recommended that teams plan accordingly based on date of return, within the approved Benedictine College Athletic calendar. Students returning to campus from identified “Hot Spot” locations are required to quarantine for an additional 10 days in Kansas before joining his or her team.

You may find the list of “Hot Spot” locations online at: https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/175/Travel-Exposure-Related-Isolation-Quaran

Student-Athlete, Staff and Department Initial Screen Procedures

COVID-19 Testing – Initial Screening Upon Arrival

  • Accepted temperature range: Below 100.3 F normal, above 100.4 F abnormal
  • A normal assessment of ALL Athletic Department personnel will be required prior to return to approved level of activity.
  • Approved level of authorization could be, but not limited to, medical, Benedictine College, Benedictine College Athletics, state, and local authorities.
  • Screening will be done in an appropriate room – athletic training facility, locker room or other large designated room.
  • Forms will be reviewed and approved by the Benedictine College Athletic Training department prior to release of activity or additional requirements/suggestions to be made before clearance is given.
  • Consultation with Benedictine College Human Resources needs to be considered prior to asking all athletic staff to complete forms and if any special consideration for other Benedictine employees that will be interacting with Athletics. This will include identifying any high-risk populations as well. If there is a potential or identified risk from the screen, we will follow the plan set by local public health and our medical team.

COVID-19 Testing – Ongoing Screening After Arrival

  • Accepted temperature range: below 100.3 F normal, above 100.4 F abnormal
  • Presage Pre-screening App will be utilized daily for temperature checks and screening processes.
  • Students will be required to submit a biometric scan, temperature check, and COVID-19 symptoms check at a designated time each day before noon.
  • Based off daily results, if further evaluation is needed, a Certified Athletic Trainer will conduct further review.
  • If it is designated that an athlete may have COVID-19 symptoms, self-isolation will be conducted until referred for additional medical evaluation.
  • Screening will continue or be revised as new processes are recommended or when Benedictine College returns to normal operations.
  • If there is a potential or identified risk from the screen, we will follow the plan set by local public health and our medical team.
  • The plan for isolation, quarantine, medical testing, and treatment will be established by the Benedictine College Coronavirus Task force.
  • Each case will be handled individually based on medical direction of Student Health Services and Atchison Hospital Medical officials.
  • Benedictine College Athletics will not be currently doing mandatory acute COVID-19 testing as a return-to-athletics requirement. However, the NAIA has mandated every student athlete be tested 5 days prior to their first competition.
  • Athletics will assess as more information becomes available on testing availability, requirements, and recommendations through local, state, and national government.
  • COVID-19 testing will be performed, ordered, or required when an individual has the signs or symptoms or other circumstances that suggests acute testing be performed.
  • The guidelines will be evaluated and followed by Benedictine College Medical professionals, Team Physicians and/or others they designate.
  • If there is a confirmed case, confirmed exposure, potential exposure or illness associated to COVID-19 – the person’s on- and off-campus history will be traced by the KDHE and Atchison County Health Department based on their input, team activity logs and other information necessary to make best judgment on level of care needed.

Transportation to Athletic Events

  • Presage Pre-screening App will be conducted on all athletes, coaches, and support staff traveling to the event before being permitted to enter the transportation vehicle.
  • Documentation will be provided to the host Athletic Trainer that all participants are cleared to participate.
  • If an Athletic Trainer is not traveling it is the coach’s responsibility to present the above document.
  • Athletes, Coaches and Support Staff traveling to and from athletic events will be required to wear a face mask/covering while in the vehicles.
  • Transportation vehicle will include:
    • Additional facemasks (as needed)
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Disinfectant wipes
  • If an athlete’s temperature exceeds 100.4 or they have two or more symptoms they will not be allowed to board the transportation vehicle or participate in that event for the day.
  • Athletes who are not allowed to board due to positive signs or high temperature will quarantine in a designated off-campus facility and will follow up with medical providers ASAP for Covid-19 testing and follow up.

Athletic Facility Checks

Upon entering a facility for practice, meeting, film review or strength and conditioning these steps will be followed:

  • Face masks/coverings will be worn by all student athletes and athletic personnel when not physically active
  • Quick Symptoms check sheet for all participants completed and logged
  • Temperature Check (temperature range: below 100.3 F normal, above 100.4 F abnormal)
    • In the event of a high temperature, isolation for 10 mins and recheck may be conducted
    • If a student athlete continues to have a high temperature upon re-check, they will quarantine to their room for the remainder of the day
    • Follow up will be conducted the following day for symptoms check and temperature
  • Next Level of care will be established if student athlete continues to have a high fever
Amino Center Facility
  • Athletes will enter through the main locker room entrance for checks
  • Athletes will exit through the east doors to the O’Malley Field
  • Disinfectant supplies will be available throughout the locker room areas
  • Student athletes will disinfect their helmet, shoulder pads and locker after each practice
  • Color coded towels will be used for “cleaning” purposes only and discarded in an approved laundry hamper for cleaning
  • Showering immediately following practice is recommended, additional towels for personal hygiene will be provided
  • ALL towels must be returned to laundry facilities daily
  • Soiled personal items not laundered by facility must be removed daily
John Paul II Student Center (Ralph Nolan Gymnasium) Facility
  • Athletes will enter through the Ralph Nolan Gymnasium hallway entrance for checks
  • Athletes will exit through the west doors toward campus dinning
  • Disinfectant supplies will be available throughout the locker room areas
  • Student athletes will disinfect protective equipment and locker after each practice
    • Color coded towels will be used for “cleaning” purposes only and discarded in an approved laundry hamper for cleaning
  • Showering immediately following practice is recommended, additional towels for personal hygiene will be provided
  • ALL towels must be returned to laundry facilities daily
  • Soiled personal items not laundered by facility must be removed daily
Haverty Center (Old Gymnasium)
  • Athletes will enter through the ground level hallway entrance for checks
  • Athletes will exit through the same doors listed above taking consideration of physical distancing
  • Disinfectant supplies will be available throughout the locker room areas
    • Student athletes will disinfect protective equipment and locker after each practice
    • Color coded towels will be used for “cleaning” purposes only and discarded in an approved laundry hamper for cleaning
  • Showering immediately following practice is recommended, additional towels for personal hygiene will be provided
  • ALL towels must be returned to laundry facilities daily
  • Soiled personal items not laundered by facility must be removed daily
Legacy Field (John Casey sports complex)
  • Athletes checks will be conducted by a Certified Athletic Trainer outside of the John Casey Athletic Training Room
  • Athletes will exit through the gate taking consideration of physical distancing
  • Disinfectant supplies will be available throughout the locker room areas
  • Student athletes will disinfect protective equipment and locker after each practice
    • Color coded towels will be used for “cleaning” purposes only and discarded in an approved laundry hamper for cleaning
  • Showering immediately following practice is recommended, additional towels for personal hygiene will be provided
  • ALL towels must be returned to laundry facilities daily
  • Soiled personal items not laundered by facility must be removed daily
Murphy Recreation Center
  • Athletes checks will be designated by assigned Certified Athletic Trainer per sport before entering facility
  • Athletes will exit through the main entrance taking consideration of physical distancing
  • Disinfectant supplies will be available throughout the locker room areas
    • Student athletes will disinfect protective equipment and locker after each practice
    • Color coded towels will be used for “cleaning” purposes only and discarded in an approved laundry hamper for cleaning
  • Showering immediately following practice is recommended, additional towels for personal hygiene will be provided
  • ALL towels must be returned to laundry facilities daily
  • Soiled personal items not laundered by facility must be removed daily
Mother Teresa Athletic Training Facility and Rehabilitation
  • Student Athletes are required to wear face masks/coverings upon entering and maintain use throughout each visit
  • Athletes checks will be conducted at the Secondary glass door entrance by a designated Athletic Trainer
  • Athletes will exit through the basement door exit leading to the Cray Seaberg drive
  • Tables and equipment will be disinfected after each use
  • Towels will be laundered after each treatment
  • Hydrotherapy will be limited by current county physical distancing guidelines
  • Maximum occupancy will be limited to “by appointment only” treatments
    • Limited by table space availability and physical distancing
  • Athletic Training Students and Staff will wear masks/face coverings and googles/ face shields when performing duties
  • Gloves will be available and utilized on a case by case basis
  • Maximum occupancy of Rehabilitation facility will be limited by county physical distancing guidelines
  • Facilities will be disinfected by Certified Athletic Training staff daily upon closure for the day
Weight Room Facilities
  • Athletes will be screened before entering outside of main entrance of facilities by the assigned Strength and Conditioning Specialist (Symptoms check and Temperature)
  • Athletes will exit through the same doors entered taking consideration to physical distancing limitations
  • Disinfectant supplies will be available throughout the weight room areas
  • Student athletes will disinfect equipment after each use
    • Color coded towels will be used for “cleaning” purposes only and discarded in an approved laundry hamper for cleaning
    • Additional color-coded towels will be provided for sweat to reduce the amount of facial contact and discarded in a similar manner above
  • Showering immediately following weights is recommended, additional towels for personal hygiene will be provided
  • ALL towels must be returned to laundry facilities daily
  • Steps will be conducted to limit hand contact to communal entrances and exits to limit potential transmission

Murphy Recreation Center

The following mitigation guidelines have been established for all users of the Murphy Recreation Center (MRC):

  • Murphy Recreation Center (MRC) users will be required to schedule an appointment time (30-minute increments, up to an hour) by emailing MurphyRecCenter@benedictine.edu before using the weight room, upstairs track, multipurpose rooms, or gym/turf floors.
  • All MRC users and work-study students will wear a face mask/covering at all times, even while exercising.
  • Before entering the building, MRC users must self-check for any illness symptoms. When checking in at the front desk, MRC users will have their temperature checked by a work-study student and will be permitted to work out if their temperature is 100.3 F or lower.
  • All MRC users will be asked to use only the equipment they signed up for. Users are not to do any circuit training – just one piece of equipment at a time. There will be no “jumping in” on a piece of equipment with other users. Once one user is finished with the equipment, alert the student-worker stationed in the weight room that the piece of equipment is ready to be cleaned.
  • Equipment will be spaced as much as possible to promote physical distancing. Some cardio equipment will be blocked off to prevent MRC users from exercising right next to each other.
  • Equipment such as jump ropes and exercise bands will still be available to check out at the front desk but will need to be returned immediately after use so that it can be cleaned prior to another MRC user checking it out.
  • As always, all equipment located in the MRC Weight Room must remain in the Weight Room. Equipment, such as medicine balls, exercise mats or kettle weights, are prohibited on the Gym Floors and Turf Field, the Upper Track, and in the Multipurpose Rooms.
  • The basketball goals and volleyball nets will not be available for use.
  • The tables in the atrium and lobby area will have one chair available, each. There are to be no gatherings at the tables, or upstairs near the doors to the upper track area.
  • There will be spin classes available in the Multipurpose Rooms, with the spin bikes spaced out for physical distancing. The spin instructor will be responsible for cleaning the equipment following the class. Spin class attendees will need to sign up for the class ahead of time.
  • All MRC users must have their Benedictine College student or staff ID. There will be no guest passes issued.
  • All MRC users are encouraged to follow the Benedictine College guidelines on hygiene, such as washing their hands for at least 20 seconds.

Campus Events

Participation in traditions and campus-wide events are a central component of a Benedictine College experience. Traditional signature events, convocations, lectures, sporting events, and others create opportunities to strengthen the community, faith, and scholarship of our Raven family.

Learning, connecting, and finding gratification through these experiences contribute greatly to the academic, spiritual, physical, and mental health of our community. To provide such opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Events Management Team is taking into consideration the following points, among others, when determining if and how an event should be held:

  • Compliance with current guidance from CDC, Kansas State Department of Health, and College policy
  • Event Layouts and seating configurations that maintain physical distancing guidelines for seating, lines, restroom usage, attendee circulation
  • Messaging for attendee education of risk and communication of behavioral expectations
  • Personal hygiene facilities available for handwashing, hand sanitizing, etc.
  • Entry and dismissal procedures that maximize physical distancing and maximizes the use of all available doors most proximate to the event or seat location
  • Food and beverage offerings and procedures that minimize contact, lines, and eliminate shared use
  • Sanitation protocols for venue surfaces and areas


Campus Visitors

All visitors are expected to be clear of any COVID-19 symptoms and follow Raven Safety protocols. Conferences and groups will be approval by the Cabinet on a case-by-case basis.

Residential Guest Guidelines

To maintain lower density in residential spaces, students will only have access to their assigned residential hall. Guests must be accompanied by the resident of the hall.

Building access will be limited to only the students assigned to live in that space so students may not have overnight visitors in their room. It is possible that access regulations may evolve as we move through the semester.

Building Traffic Modifications

To maintain an efficient traffic flow in campus buildings during busy timeframes, the following modifications to the ‘normal’ traffic flows have been made:

The Dining Hall

The modified flow chart for traffic into, out of, and through the Dining Hall is as follows:

  • Entrance points noted on the east side doors
  • Exit points noted on the west side doors
  • Two lines will be formed to enter the Dining Hall with two separate cashier’s stations
  • The flow of traffic through the serving area is one-way only
  • All traffic will exit the west side of the Dining Hall
  • Dining Hall hours of operation are 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM daily
    • Students are encouraged to use ‘non-traditional’ mealtimes to spread out the traffic in the building.

St. Benedict Hall

The modified flow chart for traffic into, out of, and through St. Benedict Hall is as follows:

  • Entrance point noted on the east side doors
  • Exit point noted on the west side doors
  • Main SBH entrance should be locked in general access during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Card access for staff, faculty and admission student worker use for tours would be permitted
  • Back entrance from the library lot should be limited to card access for staff and faculty and anyone approved to use the elevator
  • East side stairwell should be noted the up-traffic stairwell between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
  • West side stairwell should be noted as the down traffic stairwell between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
  • Movement through the same floor or hallway can be either direction
  • It is recommended that people use the stairs as much as possible and avoid the elevators due to the limited space available

Ferrell Academic Center

The modified flow chart for traffic into, out of, and through Ferrell Academic Center is as follows:

  • Entrance points noted on the main front doors and south side doors
  • Exit point noted on the north side doors
  • Middle stairwell and south stairwell noted as the up traffic stairwells between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
  • North stairwell noted as the down traffic stairwell between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
  • Movement through the same floor or hallway can be either direction
  • It is recommended that people use the stairs as much as possible and avoid the elevators due to the limited space available

Westerman Hall

The proposed flow for people traffic into, out of and through Westerman Hall is as follows:

  • All doors may be used as entrance and exit
  • East side stairwell will be noted as the up traffic stairwell between the hours of 7:30 am and 3:00pm
  • West stairwell noted as the down traffic stairwell between 7:30am and 3:00pm.
  • South stairwell may be used for either direction.
  • Movement through the same floor or hallway can be either direction
  • It is recommended that people use the stairs as much as possible and avoid the elevators due to the limited space available

St. John Paul II Student Center

The proposed flow chart for people traffic into, out of and through the St. John Paul II Student Center is as follows:

  • All doors may be used as entrance and exit
  • Main stairwell will be used as both up and down, but will have a divider down the middle to note that when looking at the stairwell from the bottom the right hand side is the up side and the left hand side is the down side.
  • The east and far west corner stairwells will have no indication on direction and can be used either way.
  • Movement through the same floor or hallway can be either direction
  • It is recommended that people use the stairs as much as possible and avoid the elevators due to the limited space available
  • The Grab-n-Go line will begin on the south side of Grab-n-Go by the Dugan Suite. The register will be moved farther to that side. The line will then snake out toward ministry and down the south side of the upper level near the Student Life Office Entrance. Students will scan their cards at the south end of Grab-n-Go, move north to collect their meal and utensils and then head out to the seating area in the atrium and if they are departing the building should walk around the staircase to the north side to either exit or go down the stairs.

Travel Policy

In compliance with Federal, State and Local guidelines put forth, the following plan has been devised to ensure the safety of staff, faculty, and students at Benedictine College. Current CDC guidance is to “stay home as much as possible, especially if trips are non-essential.” This may change as we progress towards new phases in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Defining “Essential Travel”

Travel is essential when:

It assures the continuity of the long-term operations of Benedictine College and/or is imperative to achieve mission-critical goals.

Types of Travel

  1. Academic Travel (Examples: Experiential Learning connected to a course, off campus trips made by a professor and students, Study Abroad)
  2. Mission Travel (Examples: Fall and Spring Break Mission Trips, Off Campus Mission Work, March for Life, Pilgrimages)
  3. Athletic Travel (Examples: Travel to and from sporting events)
  4. Business Travel (Examples: Admission trips, Administrative business)
  5. Personal Travel

Travel Approval

  • Pre-approval is required for travel under Types 1 and 2. Requests for approval must be submitted to the Cabinet. Pre-approval is not required for trips that do not leave the Atchison County area AND do not exceed one day, under this Coronavirus Travel Policy. However, there may be other school regulations and policies to still comply with. In the case of a trip of this kind, please continue to follow all current Atchison County, state, and national guidance.
    • Type 3, Athletic Travel, is included in the Athletic Department Mitigation Plan.
  • Type 4 travel must be approved by the respective Cabinet member.
  • Type 5 does not require any approval, however, when traveling, proper and current guidance from The State Department, CDC, and KDHE must be observed. Travelers must exercise proper precautions to prevent spread and avoid contracting the virus.

Domestic Travel

When travel in and around the U.S. is deemed essential for Benedictine College, the following things should be taken into consideration:

  • Means of transport should be considered
    • Travel by car if possible, to diminish the risk to oneself and others by time spent in airports and aircrafts
    • While traveling by car may take extra time, this should be planned for to ensure safety.
  • Physical distancing should be followed while traveling, at stopping points and at final destinations.
  • Housing: Consider researching cleaning and hygiene standards of hotels.

International Travel

When travel outside the U.S. is deemed essential for Benedictine College, the following things should be taken into consideration:

  • Follow all State Department and CDC guidelines
  • Typical school protocol allows for travel to Level 1 and 2 countries. Exceptions must be approved by the Cabinet.
  • Accurate research should be done prior to all international travel for the time being. It is vital to know what to expect when entering and exiting countries as different borders may have different guidelines and requirements under the current circumstances than they typically would. To ensure safety, it is imperative to know what to expect and be prepared should anything happen, even upon re-entry to The United States.
  • Enroll in the U.S. Department of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) before departure.
  • Adequate Travel Medical Insurance, including evacuation and repatriation benefits, is mandatory.

Before Traveling

Pre-travel health screenings are recommended for domestic and international travel. Travelers must be enrolled in adequate health insurance coverage.

While Traveling

In case of essential travel, it is best to practice the following behaviors to ensure that travelers stay healthy and do not spread the Coronavirus:

  • Clean hands often
    • Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, and if washing is not accessible, use a sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Avoid touching the face at all costs, especially eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Practice physical distancing and maintain a healthy distance from other persons
  • Wear a mask or face covering when in public
  • Cover all sneezes and coughs in elbows

Re-entry to campus

Students, faculty, and staff returning to campus from any kind of trips must comply with the most recent KDHE Travel-Related Quarantine Guidelines. Students, faculty, and staff should include in their plans the potential to be quarantined before returning to campus for up to 10 days.

Protecting Our Community

Certain populations are more vulnerable for severe COVID-19 infections and may need special considerations to reduce their risk of exposure. Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. The CDC identifies “older adult” to be 65 years of age or greater.

In a pandemic like this we all have a moral obligation to not just look out for our own well-being, but to protect the health of others. Students most likely realize they are not part of the true at-risk population, but the monks, the sisters, members of the faculty and staff, older parishioners at St. Benedict’s Parish, and many others you will come in contact with in Atchison are among the most vulnerable. Thus, everyone will need to fully commit to protecting our collective health and well-being as much as possible and play our individual part in managing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.


The ability to accurately identify college faculty, staff and students suspected or infected with COVID-19 and isolate them along with tracing their close contacts is critical for limiting the number of cases on campus.


A questionnaire form is being created for students, faculty, and staff to complete, indicating locations they have traveled in the past month and whether they have had contact with others who have COVID-19, or have experienced any of the symptoms in the past few weeks. This questionnaire will be reviewed for risk with the possibility of some students or employees tested based on risk, if tests are available.

Identifying At-Risk Individuals

The College plans to communicate with all faculty, staff, and students through email and Benedictine FYI to identify potential at-risk individuals and offer accommodations. An accommodation form will be provided to assist in this process. Additionally, the Student Health Center staff will provide instructions and advice to actively monitor for symptoms of illness and answer questions regarding the Raven Safety plan.

Self-Monitoring of Symptoms

Campus-wide approaches to safety and the practice of physical distancing are important as individuals can be without symptoms and still be COVID-19 positive. Individuals who have been authorized to return to campus must conduct symptom monitoring daily before coming to campus or leaving their residence hall room. It is the individual’s responsibility to comply. It is our shared duty as a community to act responsibly. A student who does not live in Benedictine College housing must be free of any symptoms related to COVID-19 to be on campus or participate in activities on campus.

As a safeguard, it is recommended that all students monitor their temperature and symptoms on a daily basis. Students should bring a digital thermometer with them.

According to the CDC, symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. These symptoms or combinations of symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

A student who has any symptoms, including a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater, must call the Student Health Center (913-360-7117) for assessment and possible COVID-19 testing. If Student Health is not open and symptoms are severe enough, the student should go to the Atchison Hospital Emergency Room.

If symptoms are not severe enough to require the Emergency Room, then for the safety of others, it is extremely important to avoid contact with others, wear a face mask/covering, and practice strict hand hygiene while awaiting the Student Health Center to open and receive an assessment. Anyone with symptoms must self-isolate until the testing results are back as directed by the Student Health Center staff. If the results are negative, the person may return to his/her normal activities.

Contact Tracing

The KDHE in collaboration with the Atchison County Health Department is responsible for contact tracing. If symptom checking indicates further attention is needed, a virtual visit with our school nurse or designated person will include questions to assist with contact tracing. This contact data will be shared with KDHE and the health department.

Contact tracing allows for the identification and monitoring of contacts of infected people so that they can be notified of the contact and to support the safe, sustainable, and effective quarantine of close contacts to prevent additional transmission. The Atchison County Health Department staff will methodically identify those on campus who have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for the virus. Exposed individuals will be given the name of the individual who tested positive so that their risk can be assessed but will respect and adhere to best practices for patient confidentiality.


Regarding COVID-19 testing, the Coronavirus Task Force has consulted with medical experts and local doctors to gain a better understanding of the methods, availability, costs, and benefits of testing our Raven community. Students who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as assessed by the Student Health Center or Atchison Hospital staff will likely be tested for COVID-19. The college continues to investigate the cost and availability of COVID-19 tests in an effort to find a more broad-based solution.

See COVID-19 Testing FAQs.

Communication Plans

COVID-19 Communications Plan in Response to Known Cases

Introduction and Purpose

Along with detailed plans for mitigation, identification and care of community members related to COVID-19, the College’s Coronavirus Task Force anticipates that communications with community members directly impacted by COVID-19 may be necessary.

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed plan for communication with community members when the College becomes aware of a community member who has been exposed to COVID-19, has symptoms of the virus or has tested positive for the virus.

The College—guided by President Minnis, his Cabinet and the Coronavirus Task Force—will maintain on-going communications with the community about health and safety related to COVID-19. Plans for implementing on-going communications about College mitigation and expectations for student and employee safety and reporting are addressed in other internal documents.

Guiding Principles

The College is committed to protecting the health and safety of its students and employees and minimizing the potential spread of COVID-19 within our community. The College expects all members of the community to act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for the health and safety, as well as privacy, of all community members. Despite significant efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus, the College cannot guarantee that members of its community will not become infected with COVID-19.

Should a community member become directly affected by COVID-19, the College will provide timely information about particular cases in a specific manner and consistent with legal obligations. The College will protect personal health information of affected individuals consistent with Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, and will maintain privacy as required by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act; in the case of COVID-19, some information will need to be released to some entities or individuals in the interest of health and as permitted by law. The College is committed to providing accurate and timely information about COVID-19 to students, staff, and faculty to inform the community and to minimize stigma.

The College will make deliberate determinations, in consultation with local health officials, about notifying individuals in limited categories who need to know more specific information about potential exposure to COVID-19 through contact with an affected individual. In addition to these specific communications that may be required to protect the health of community members and reduce the spread of the virus, the College will continue its ongoing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus.

Plan Specifics

When the College is notified that a community member has symptoms of, has been exposed to or has tested positive for COVID-19, the College will notify local health officials to obtain specific guidance about responsive actions and communications to the community. Local health officials will be a key partner in making determinations about information sharing.

In consultation with local health officials, the College will make determinations about communications:

  • To the broader community; and
  • To those who have had close contact with a person affected by COVID-19.

Communications to the Broader Community

  1. Communication required by Clery Act – Emergency NotificationA confirmed COVID-19 infection on campus, or a confirmed case of exposure to an infected individual may call for an “emergency notification” under the Clery Act. The College will follow then-current guidance regarding making any required emergency notifications, and will cross-reference to communications about COVID-19 available on the College website, as well as directing community members to obtain information from health care providers, state and local health authorities and the CDC.
  2. General communications to the College communityWhen drafting communications to the broader community, the College will carefully consider the purpose of the communication and identify the following, while protecting the confidentiality of the sick or exposed individual:
    • What the College knows about the nature, timing, and duration of the individual’s interactions with the College.
    • A description of what the College has been doing to monitor the situation.
    • A description of the guidance from local health authorities about required action that will be taken.
    • Advise community members to continue to monitor their health and be alert for symptoms of COVID-19.
    • A statement explaining that if any individuals are known to have had direct exposure to the affected individual through College programs, employment or activities, the College has previously contacted individuals directly and offered additional guidance.

Special communications in cases of concern about community transmission

If the College is informed of several confirmed cases at once and there are data-based concerns about community spread, the communications about such a situation will need to be consistent with the responsive action to address the known cases. Communications will vary depending on whether there is:

  • No community transmission
  • Minimal to moderate community transmission
  • Substantial community transmission

The College will consult with local health officials to determine what level of transmission is occurring. The CDC has guidance for operational decisions related to community spread in its Interim Guidance for Administrators of U.S. Institutions of Higher Education.

In some situations, positive cases or exposure may require the closure of certain buildings, cancelling in-person classes, implementing housing relocations, and other changes to campus schedules or functions. Obviously, this will result in the need for more specific communications to the broader community. These determinations will be made in consultation with local health officials, and communications should be drafted and published to explain these actions, as well as requirements for students and employees.

These incidents will likely require frequent communications, all of which should refer to the College’s commitment to addressing the situation and provide specific guidance about action items.

Specific Communications to Exposed Individuals

  1. Once a student or employee is identified as having symptoms, having been exposed or testing positive for the virus, the College may need to communicate with specific community members. The College will follow local health official guidance about identifying particular cases and determining who to notify.
  2. Identify: The College will determine who “needs to know” about the affected individual because of their potential exposure to the virus.
    1. A core group of administrators will be notified of the identity of the affected individual in order to carry out the necessary determinations about individual notifications.
    2. A member of this group will communicate with the affected individual to gather information about recent contacts
    3. Contact local health officials
    4. Explain what is known about the affected individual (i.e., symptoms, tests, exposure)
    5. Explain the affected individual’s status with the College
    6. Explain the affected individual’s contacts with the College (i.e., buildings occupied, residential situation, class schedule, employment activities). Share information provided by the affected individual about their contacts.
    7. Contact Trace in consultation with local health officials. Obtain guidance about who should be informed about the affected individual. This will be based on current knowledge about the spread of the virus.
  3. Advise: The College will advise individuals of their potential exposure.
    1. Contact individuals on the list generated from the advising conversation with local health officials.
    2. Advise these individuals of their potential exposure, while maintaining confidentiality of affected individual to the extent practicable.
    3. Based on information gathered from communication with the affected individual and consultation with local health officials, the identity of the affected individual will be shared if needed (i.e. in the case of a roommate or when the affected individual shares information about an in-person meeting with a particular professor.)
    4. The College should also include statements in the communications that counter potential stigma and discrimination.
  4. Instruct: The College will provide instructions to these individuals about monitoring their symptoms and quarantining or isolating, as necessary.
    1. Based on advising conversation with local health officials, communicate instructions to community members.
    2. Depending on the individual’s exposure to the affected individual and specific facts related to symptoms, the College may require quarantine or isolation of community members, consistent with local health official and CDC guidance. Such communications will be exchanged with individuals on a case by case and as-needed basis.
    3. These instructions will be based on current CDC and health official guidance regarding quarantine and isolation.
    4. Provide instructions, based on consultation with local health officials, about temporary relocation to alternate housing for self-quarantine and monitoring for symptoms.
    5. Notify individuals that anyone with an emergency warning sign (for example having trouble breathing) should get emergency medical care immediately.

Return to Campus Communication Plan

The college will use the following methods to promote the plan:

  • Email Communication
  • Website & Social Media Posts
  • Development of a “Guide to Return”
  • Slogans and Posters for on-campus use

Community Engagement

Benedictine College plans to collaborate with the Atchison County Health Department, Atchison Hospital, City/County of Atchison, and businesses by sharing ideas and plans to ensure the college’s community is continuing to practice healthy and safe behaviors on and off campus.


It is important that all individuals on campus understand their responsibility for their personal health as well as other members of the campus community and the risks associated with participating in various types of campus activities.

Student Health/Counseling Services

To address an expected rise in physical and mental health needs of our student body, the College increased the hours of our Atchison Hospital provider (nurse practitioner) from 12 hrs./wk. to 20 hrs./wk. and hired an additional part-time registered nurse for the Student Health Center. Likewise, the College increased the available counseling hours for students from 108 hrs./wk. to 119 hrs./wk. and hired a part-time office manager for the Counseling Center.

To safeguard the health and well-being of students, the Student Health Center and Counseling Center staff ask that students call their office first rather than walking in to make an appointment or ask a question. New telehealth and tele counseling options will be provided to all Benedictine College students.

Additionally, Student Health Center staff will provide health monitoring for students who are in quarantine and isolation and provide periodic symptom monitoring for all students.

Positive Cases

Students who test positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate as directed by the Student Health Center staff until they have recovered. To help determine the risk of potential exposure to others on campus, the Atchison County Health Department (with the assistance of Student Health, if needed) will conduct contact tracking with the individual who has tested positive.

Recovery Strategy

Benedictine College is following the CDC’s recommended recovery strategy. If an individual had symptoms, recovery status is assigned when: 1) the individual remains fever-free without the use of fever reducers for 72 hours, 2) symptoms have improved, and 3) it has been at least 10 days since their symptoms first appeared. If an individual tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms, the individual can be cleared to return 10 days after the test if the individual does not develop symptoms. If the individual develops symptoms, then the individual must follow the recovery strategy for those with symptoms. Notification for return to on-campus activities is directed through Student Health.

Quarantine and Isolation

The College is committed to ensuring all students can be cared for if they are ill or need to quarantine. Locations have been identified and protocols developed to properly care for students who have been exposed. These measures will allow the College to continue on-campus instruction while living within an environment where COVID-19 cannot be eliminated.

The CDC provides the following information about quarantining and isolation:

  • Quarantining is designed to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms.
  • Isolation is used to separate people infected with the virus (those who are sick with COVID-19 and those with no symptoms) from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation need to remain isolated until it’s safe for them to be around others.

See Quarantine and Isolation FAQs.

Students will be asked if they are able to return to their permanent home for quarantine or isolation needs. If they are unable to do so, three area hotels in the City of Atchison (off-campus properties operated within the City of Atchison near campus) will be used for student isolation and quarantine spaces.

Student Health staff will work closely with students who are waiting on COVID test results. Students will be assigned to diagnostic quarantine and self-isolation housing, if needed, and monitored daily. Students will be relocated to facilities reserved specifically for this purpose if they are unable to return to their permanent home.

All isolated or quarantined students will be referred to the Student Success Center for accommodations and classroom support, including monitoring of exams. Additionally, Student Life and Student Health Center staff will work closely with Dining Services to deliver three daily meals to students in isolation and quarantine.

While off-campus students will likely complete any necessary isolation or quarantine time in their homes, College staff will check in with these patients daily as well and ensure the students have access to food and supplies.

Should an outbreak occur or public health conditions change significantly, the college will rely on our colleagues at the Atchison Hospital, as well as local, state and federal officials and public health guidelines, to help assess if we must send some or all students home.

Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfecting

The Benedictine College Operations department has augmented its normal cleaning procedures to address the additional cleaning needs brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. This includes increased frequency of cleaning as well as deploying additional disinfecting procedures in high traffic areas, classrooms, campus dining facilities, and residence halls. High-touch surfaces are routinely disinfected, including door handles, restroom facilities, tables, desks, and chairs.

Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to regularly clean their residence hall rooms, offices, workspaces, and backpacks or briefcases. Wipe down commonly used surfaces: keypads, coffee makers, printers, anything with a handle, phones, etc. At a minimum, clean at the beginning and end of your workday or school day.

Together we can make a difference and reduce the risk of exposure to Coronavirus for all members of the Benedictine College Community.


As the college welcomes students, faculty, and staff back to campus, it is vital to protect the health of everyone who returns. Each college department can request supplies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Assumption of Risk Notice

While the College is taking reasonable measures consistent with guidance from the CDC and local health officials to manage the risk of COVID-19, it is important for students and parents to understand that the College cannot eliminate the risk of COVID-19 exposure and infections on campus. With COVID-19 transmission continuing throughout Kansas, the Midwest, and nationally, it is possible that some students will be exposed to COVID-19 during the upcoming academic year and that infections will result. We are doing our best to prevent this, but students who attend the College this upcoming academic year must appreciate, understand, and accept that these risks simply cannot be eliminated.

For these reasons, we need students take responsibility for their own health and safety by following CDC and local health guidance regarding social distancing, hand-washing, and other measures students can personally take to mitigate the risk of exposure and transmission of this disease. Students who have an underlying condition that makes them particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 infection should contact the College’s Student Success Center to discuss accommodations.

While we hope all of our students will be able to engage fully in our programs, students who are suspected or confirmed to have a COVID-19 infection may be required by the College to quarantine or isolate if recommended by guidance from the CDC or local health officials or as required by a medical provider. Such quarantine or isolation may require the student to leave campus and not participate in certain College programs and activities during the period of the quarantine or isolation. Whether to give refunds for room, board, tuition, or other fees based on quarantines, isolations, or campus closures will be in the College’s discretion.