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Service-Learning Newsletter | March 29, 2018

Dear Friends,

Slowly but surely, spring is on the way! This year, my usual impatience for green trees and blooming flowers is accompanied by a sense of expectation to see the service-learning experiences this semester unfold. During the cold winter months, professors, community representatives, and I spent many hours on meetings, phone calls, and emails arranging details for the more than 20 service-learning initiatives happening this semester. Now, as the world around us is coming to life, we are eager to see these service-learning partnerships bear fruit as well! For some students, that will mean finally walking high schoolers through the chemistry lab they have been prepping for weeks; for others, it will mean discovering how to visually communicate special memories of a generous soul; for still others, it will mean calculating the total tax refund dollars they helped people obtain. All these happenings, like the warm days of spring, are just around the corner!

As with our first service-learning newsletter, I hope this publication will grant you at least a glimpse of these engaging and creative educational partnerships. Keep an eye out for our end-of-year newsletter, and until then: happy spring!


–Meredith Stoops, Coordinator of Service-Learning


Learning Accounting through Service

Service-Learning in Classes

Service-Learning at the Mount
